Autism in Social Media

Want to see what living with autism is like?  Many families, researchers, and self-advocates have produced internet content describing the symptoms of autism and what living with autism is like.  We enthusiastically encourage you to search out and listen to those stories!  They will show you how diverse people on the spectrum are and teach you about how autistic people experience the world.  To get you started, we have curated a collection of videos and other social media featuring content from autistic creators.  Please see the videos below to learn what everyday life is like for autistic people!



  • Finding Cooper’s Voice: The Secret World of Autism. A website created by Kate Swenson, a mother to an autistic child.  She discusses her family’s journey and how she learned to connect with her son.



If you would like to learn more about ASD on social media, consider following these creators on Tiktok:


  • Findingcoopersvoice

Mom and best-selling author Kate Swenson offers a glimpse into raising an autistic kid.