Sensory rooms are carefully designed environments that provide users with a range of sensory experiences in a safe and relaxed way. They allow users to explore touch, sight, taste, smell, hearing, balance, movement, and internal/external body awareness all at their own pace.
The American Psychological Association defines a person with savantism, or a savant, as someone who has an intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who also demonstrates exceptional, often isolated, cognitive abilities.
Many autistic people have difficulty communicating with others. This can include difficulty with social interactions and communicating basic individual needs. Assistive technologies help people with differing needs express themselves and communicate their needs and wants. These technologies can amplify the skills that a communication-impaired person has, and can therefore promote independence and improve their quality of life.
Now that it is summertime, we hope that autistic people and their families have some opportunities for fun! Below, we list out summer camps for autistic people and/or people with disabilities in Georgia.
Repetitive behaviors are common features of autism, but they can present differently from person to person. Repetitive behaviors are simply behaviors that a person does repeatedly or insists on doing the same way every time. These behaviors can include asking about the same thing several times in a row, lining up objects (toys) in a particular way, spinning objects, and obsessively closing and opening doors or drawers.