Autism Book List and Reading Resources

Would you like to read about different peoples’ experience with autism?  Below you’ll find books written by people with autism or by author who have autistic people in their lives.  We list books about autism for caregivers, children, adolescents, and adults.

Books by Autistic Authors:

For Children:

For Young Adults:

Books for Adults:

Books About Autism

Books for Parents and Caregivers:

Books for Young Children:

Books for Adolescents:

Books for Young Adults & Adults:

The Autism Support Network also has a list of books as resources for parents and Caregivers. They can be found here: Books for parents & caregivers

If you have a favorite book about autism or by an autistic author that you would like to share, please use our “Contact Us” page to tell us about it!


Article by:  The Autism ToolKit