Finding Transportation
Getting to doctor’s appointments when you have autism or have an autistic child can be tough! Fortunately, Georgia has transportation services and options that can help no matter where you live. If you don’t drive or don’t have a car, please consider the options below to get you to your next appointment!
Georgia Transportation Services
- Georgia Medicaid offers non-emergency transportation to help people with disabilities get to their medical appointments. Georgia Medicaid also serves rural communities.
- Georgia Care Planning Council is a website that lists resources to help families plan for the long term care of a loved one with disabilities. They list elder care transportation services that may be able to help autistic people, and list Georgia transportation services.
- Through the Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia Commute Options offers accessibility services for people with disabilities as well as training for how to use their transportation options for people in the Atlanta area.
- If you live in a rural county, the Georgia Department of Transportation lists counties with a transportation system here. You can also find a state-wide list of transportation services with contact information here.
- Certain healthcare providers may offer Lyft Concierge services for patient travel. Lyft Concierge enables providers to schedule and organize rides on behalf of patients. Lyft rides can be scheduled ahead of time for individuals in rural areas with a trip distance limit of 100 miles. Ask your healthcare provider about this service.
- Uber offers Uber Health, which may also be an option.
Obtaining a driver’s license
- If you’re over 16 years old and have autism you may be able to get a driver’s license. Currently, there are no laws that prevent persons with autism from driving.
- The Georgia DDS requires a note from a physician that specifies what accommodations their patient would need for the driving test.
Article by: Sabrina Worrell-Fraser and The Autism ToolKit
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