In 1990 congress enacted ‘Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)’ to: 1) provide appropriate education for children with disabilities and, 2) to seek out and treat children with disabilities within school districts.
Emotional regulation is an individual’s ability to adapt to situations that evoke stress, anxiety, annoyance, or frustration. One of the big reasons that people with autism have difficulty managing difficult, emotionally-charged situations has to do with changes in their brain structure.
When children are diagnosed with ASD, doctors and therapists will likely recommend they go to early intervention (EI) therapy. Below, we discuss what EI is and a few easy ways to start looking for an ABA provider.
Demand avoidance is when someone resists / avoids the ordinary demands of life, even when it is in their best interest to comply. It typically manifests early in life and can be associated with high levels of anxiety.